So the biggest question for tonite's episode isn't how much clothes will Haley actually be wearing or what Sanjaya's hair is going to look like. The biggest question of the night is "will tonite's episode such as much as the similarly themed 'Gloria Estefan Night' from Season 3?" That episode was such a trainwreck. It was impossible to make those incredibly cheesy songs sound like anything other than a bad cruise ship performance. I'm hoping and praying that tonite's episode doesn't fall into the same category, but the rumor is that some contestants are actually singing Gloria Estefan songs again so we'll see what ends up happening. I don't have high hopes though. As always, I'm typing this up while I'm watching the show so you're getting my initial reactions to everything.
>>I'm just going to add a three word description to the end of Jesse's excellent, detailed recaps. Your friend, [ ryan ]<<Haha, JLo makes them all sit on the floor while she's sitting in a stool. Such a diva! We'll see how much she's actually able to help.
First up is
Melinda Doolittle - "Sway". HAHA "I'm so not sexy!" says Melinda. Hm, is it possible to be bored during a flawless performance? That's how I'm starting to feel about Melinda. You know she's going to come out and sing the hell out of a song flawlessly so when she comes out and does it you get what you expect. There's nothing that gets you excited about hearing something that you weren't expecting. This is another great performance vocally, but the overall performance was just ok. It was missing some personality and I was a little bored.
Grade B>>Boring but great.<<LaKisha Jones - "Conga". OH, HELL TO THE NO! This has got to be one of the worst songs to choose. This song never comes off seriously and just sounds like a huge bucket of cheese. It could be a terrifically horrible performance. Since LaKisha is a master singer she may be able to pull this off. Ugh, again, this is lacking in something. But this time I blame the song. LaKisha sounds fine on it but the song is so horrible that she can't pull herself above it. It sounds like a bad cruise ship performance again. Gloria Estefan music should be banned from Idol. Like Melinda, vocally LaKisha sounded great but the overall performance was just ok.
Grade BSimon got it exactly right, this is not a singer's song it's a performer's song. No one ever sounds good while singing this song.>>Some more personality.<<Chris Richardson - "Smooth". I'm becoming a huge Chris fan so I'm excited to hear this. I love this song and I think he can do really, really well with it. It's the perfect type of song for his voice. Oh wow, he doesn't sound good at all in the opening. He doesn't seem to find his stride until he hits the chorus. Hm, from the chorus to the end he sounds alright. The whole performance just seemed to be lacking in star quality. This is definitely one of his weakest performances. Interestingly, his voice has improved greatly. I've noticed over the past couple of weeks that he's really been working on getting rid of that nasality of his voice and because of that he now has a fuller, stronger voice. He sounds a lot better but this performance was still not that great.
Grade C+>>Tried really hard.<<Haley Scarnato - "Turn The Beat Around". Oh no. This is another Gloria song. And I don't have confidence in Haley to pull it off. Let's see how she does. What's up with the gay remix? This is the perfect version of a cruise ship performance. At least she looks hot. That's all she's got going for her right now. She had at least had fun with the performance. I just wish it was a different song.
Grade C>>What a stripper.<<Phil Stacey - "Maria Maria". Well, Phil has a nice voice but the song is pretty boring. The crowd doesn't even seem to be into it at all. When Phil goes for some of the power notes his voice breaks a little. I think his voice is getting strained in the competition. It was just a bleh performance. Not good, not bad, just there.
Grade C>>Creepy. Desperate. Whiny.<<Jordin Sparks - "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You". NOOOOOOO, not another Gloria Estefan song! Jordin is better than that. Yet ANOTHER boring performance. And again, I blame the song. Wow, even Jordin's voice is a little off tonite (on her first big note). She doesn't look very confident with this song nor is she having any fun with it.
Grade C>>Shaky big voice.<<Blake Lewis - "I Need To Know".
He's going to do real good JLo? I guess you really are from "the block". Well, it's nice to actually hear Blake sing a familiar song. It's a great song for his voice. Well, considering what we've seen tonite, this is a really good vocal. He didn't really "Blake-ify" it too much but it was still a really good performance. Best of the night so far.
Grade A>>Sweaty. Monotone. Ambiguous.<<Sanjaya Malakar - "Besame Mucho". OMG!! First of all, Sanjaya got the pimp spot?! Either this is going to be really good or the producers are trying to showcase just how bad he is by putting him at the end so that's the last thing America hears before voting. There's no getting lost in the shuffle this time. Second, he's singing in spanish?! That's a bold move by him. Wow! He's finally showing the confidence he lacked in the earlier rounds. His voice sounds strong (and it's in tune!). This is a really subtle performance that takes away all of the fluff and playfulness he's been surrounding himself with these past 2 months. There's nothing here except his voice and it actually sounds good! I can't belive he pulled this off. This may actually be the best performance of the night. Holy crap!
Grade B+>>Lucky he's last.<<I was a little bummed that no one came out and sang "Taco Flavored Kisses" to miss Jennifer Lopez (or, Hennifer Lopez as she pronounces it). I would have died if someone did that. Oh well. Aside from J.Lo's laugh, I can't say she really added anything to show or helped the contestants. She changed Chris' key and that was about it. What's up with these people that are there to help the contestants but don't really know what to do. Other than Lulu, no one has been able to really help the kids this year. We need Barry Manilow back!
As for the them this week, NEVER EVER AGAIN HAVE LATIN MUSIC OR GLORIA ESTEFAN MUSIC. This was just as bad as Season 3's Estefan night.
Bottom 3 will be Chris, Haley and Phil. I am actually very scared that Chris could be going home so I will be sure to vote a lot for him tonight. But I actually think it's going to be Haley. That was a pretty bad, bland performance. Phil's really wasn't any better. It could be a toss-up between the two.
>>Did anyone notice my Idol-crush Tom Lowe sporting the "lucky seven" pony-hawk in the audience tonight? I hope that means I get to see more of him somewhere?
I'm going to be crazy and say the bottom three is LaKisha, Jordin and Phil. This is goodbye for Nosphilatu.<<