Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quick Thoughts on Top 7 - Mariah Carey Week

Sorry, I didn't get this up last night. I was watching the show at a friend's house and didn't have access to my computer. So here are my quick thoughts about what happened...

Sad to say, no one did the gospel hand last night. I guess she didn't break down and teach them how to do it and use it effectively. Bummer.

However, I thought Mariah was good as a mentor. I thought it was cool that she actually helped them change the songs a bit to make them their own. I remember when Ace tried to do that with Queen and they all said no. So that was nice to see.

David A. was really good (although I don't really know the song). I loved his falsetto and his runs all throughout.

I thought Carly was good too, but definitely doesn't compare to Kelly (or Leona Lewis who sang it as well). She hit all the notes but there wasn't the same kind of power behind them that the other two had.

Syesha was ok. She sounded good. You knew she was the one that was going to go for the vocal gymnastics but I think people just expect that now it's not really a surprise when she does it. But it was a good performance.

Brooke was BAD. The whole thing was boring. She looked so nervous the entire time (you could totally see her shaking throughout). I hated the version she did and it kept getting faster and faster.

I actually thought Kristy Lee was really good. She's finally showing confidence and her voice is sounding stronger. I really liked what she did.

David C was ok. You totally expect him to do an emo version of every song he does so it's nothing new now. He sounded good but it was a little boring.

Jason was good too. I liked the laid back vibe he brought to the song. It definitely worked for him. Wasn't totally blown away but he's finally back in the competition.

I'm not sure who is going home tonight. It seems like the judges are setting up Carly to go. Brooke was the worst of the night so she should be the one. But the public doesn't seem to like Syesha so she could be the one. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I'm thinking it's going to be Syesha.

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