Thursday, May 17, 2007

Shocked and Stunned

Well, the shocker elimination of the season finally happened last night and Melinda was eliminated from the show. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I sat there staring at the TV with my jaw on the floor throughout all of Melinda's montage footage. I could not believe that the producers actually let her go. I think that she's just too "mature" for Idol. She is already a first-class performer and singer and it seems like there is no more growth for her. She's going to have a great career so she shouldn't have to worry about that. I just think that American tends to like people that actually grow while on the show so we can see their confidence boost every week and watch their performances get better and better. We didn't get that with Melinda but we did with Blake and especially with Jordin. As stunned as I am that Melinda is gone, I am actually pretty excited with the Blake/Jordin finale. It was what I was hoping for as we started coming down the home stretch. I really think that it's an even playing field right now and both have a good chance of winning. As for me, I'm voting for Blake.

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